Silence 沉默
Silence 沉默 130x80cm
Unexpected 不测
Unexpected 不测 130x80cm
Plane Crash 空难
Plane Crash 空难 162x130cm
Mist 迷雾
Mist 迷雾 162x130cm
Cloud 阴云
Cloud 阴云 162x130cm
Shadow 阴影
Shadow 阴影 130x110cm
Exclusion Zone 禁区
Exclusion Zone 禁区 130x110cm
Disregard 不在乎
Disregard 不在乎 80x80cm
Drummer 鼓手
Drummer 鼓手 80x80cm
Pinocchio 匹诺曹
Pinocchio 匹诺曹 80x80cm
Pinocchio 皮诺曹*
Pinocchio 皮诺曹* 60x60cm
Home 家园
Home 家园 130x110cm
Fire Observation 观火
Fire Observation 观火 130x80cm
Seen 看见
Seen 看见 35x60cm
Seen 看见*
Seen 看见* 130x110cm
Crimson World 红色江山*
Crimson World 红色江山* 50x50cm
Pinocchio 皮诺曹
Pinocchio 皮诺曹 60.5x50.5cm
Singing Angel 唱歌的大天使
Singing Angel 唱歌的大天使 60x50cm
Weyden and The Mirror 威登与镜子
Weyden and The Mirror 威登与镜子 40x50cm
Angels of Botticelli 波提切利的天使
Angels of Botticelli 波提切利的天使 65x50cm
The dream of Innocent III 英诺森三世的梦
The dream of Innocent III 英诺森三世的梦 60x50cm
Angels of Francesca弗朗切斯卡的小天使
Angels of Francesca弗朗切斯卡的小天使 40x50cm
Flowery 香艳图
Flowery 香艳图 40x50cm
Sailboat of Colville 科尔维尔的帆船
Sailboat of Colville 科尔维尔的帆船 40x50cm
Angel's Comforting 天使的抚慰
Angel's Comforting 天使的抚慰 60x50cm
Distant Sight 遥远的目光
Distant Sight 遥远的目光 65x50cm
Angels of Van Eyck 凡艾克的大天使
Angels of Van Eyck 凡艾克的大天使 60x50cm
The Beauty and The believer 美女与使徒
The Beauty and The believer 美女与使徒 65x50cm
Allegory 寓言
Allegory 寓言 65x50cm
The Flower and The Bird 花与鸟
The Flower and The Bird 花与鸟 60x50cm
Little girl of Nara 奈良的小女孩*
Little girl of Nara 奈良的小女孩* 60x50cm
Grand Duke of Francesca 弗朗西斯科的大公*
Grand Duke of Francesca 弗朗西斯科的大公* 60x50cm
Hike 远足
Hike 远足 40x50cm
Fruitfulness 硕果
Fruitfulness 硕果
A panorama of rivers and mountains 千里江山图*
A panorama of rivers and mountains 千里江山图* 100x80cm
Still life with book of Pompei有庞贝画册的静物
Still life with book of Pompei有庞贝画册的静物 18*24"(45.7*61cm)
Still life with figurine 有雕像的静物*
Still life with figurine 有雕像的静物* 16*24 1/2"(41*62.5cm)
Still life with bottle of dried flowers 有装干花瓶子的静物
Still life with bottle of dried flowers 有装干花瓶子的静物 27*36"(67.5*90cm)
Still life with metalware 有金属器皿的静物
Still life with metalware 有金属器皿的静物 16*20"(40.5*50.5cm)
still life in purple tones  紫色调的静物
still life in purple tones 紫色调的静物 16*20"(40.5*50.5cm)
still life in blue tones
still life in blue tones 16*20"(40.5*50.5cm)
still life with lemon and dried flowers  有柠檬和干花的静物
still life with lemon and dried flowers 有柠檬和干花的静物 24*30"(61*76.5cm)
still life with wineglass 有酒杯的静物*
still life with wineglass 有酒杯的静物* 24*30"(61*76.5cm)
Gathering of still life
Gathering of still life 24*30"(61*76.5cm)
Still life with a peony
Still life with a peony 20"*24"
Still life in purple tones*
Still life in purple tones* 30"*40"
Balanced white
Balanced white 24"*36"
Still life in the sun 阳光下的静物*
Still life in the sun 阳光下的静物* 40"*52"
ensemble 合奏*
ensemble 合奏* 40"*60"
Still life in Japanese style 日式风格的静物*
Still life in Japanese style 日式风格的静物* 30"*40"
still life with leek flowers*
still life with leek flowers* 40"x52"
still life with rose 有玫瑰的静物*
still life with rose 有玫瑰的静物* 24"x30"
still life with toy 有玩偶的静物*
still life with toy 有玩偶的静物* 24"x30"
Still life with small bowl 有小碗的静物*
Still life with small bowl 有小碗的静物* 30"x40"
Still life in green tones 绿色调的静物*
Still life in green tones 绿色调的静物* 24"x30"
Still life in pink tones 粉色调的静物*
Still life in pink tones 粉色调的静物* 11" x 14"
Still life with blocks 有积木的静物*
Still life with blocks 有积木的静物* 30" x 40"
Still life in light purple 淡紫色调的静物*
Still life in light purple 淡紫色调的静物* 30" x 40"
Still life in magenta tones 品红色的静物*
Still life in magenta tones 品红色的静物* 30" x 40"
Still life with Stacked blocks 有积木的静物*
Still life with Stacked blocks 有积木的静物* 20" x 24"
Still life with glass and blocks 有杯子和积木的静物*
Still life with glass and blocks 有杯子和积木的静物* 16" x 20"
still life in yellow-green tones 黄绿色调的静物
still life in yellow-green tones 黄绿色调的静物 24" x 30"

Toy Series

Book Series

Still life

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